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The lack of access to vaccines and health care is worsened by racism and colonialism

21 Mar 2022

Today is International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

This event dates back to a tragedy in South Africa, the day a peaceful demonstration against segregation laws in the city of Sharpeville was attacked by security forces and protesters were summarily killed. It took another 30 years for the apartheid regime to collapse, officially at least.

What does apartheid then has to do with Covid-19 now?

We asked Brazilian cartoonist @helodangeloarte to create a piece on racial discrimination and vaccine equity.

#Fem4PeoplesVaccine ✊🏿💜

#FightRacism #InternationalDayEliminationRacialDiscrimination #black #poc #brown #blackmagic #Sharpeville #SouthAfrica #apartheid