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If not now, when? The need to adopt the TRIPS Waiver

18 Apr 2022

If not now, when? 🔥

Tune in to the latest #Fem4PeoplesVaccine podcast episode

The WTO Ministerial Conference—one of the most important events in the organization’s calendar, when State representatives gather—is approaching. On the week of June 13th, the TRIPS Waiver will be on the agenda of the day and pressure for a consensus will be high.

Since its tabling, the EU and the US have pulled out all the tricks in their hats in an attempt to block the measure designed to fight vaccine inequality. Listen to the discussion between Clara Alves (MSF Brazil) and Sangeeta Shashikant (TWN), who has been at the forefront of the advocacy work at the WTO. Sangeeta shares her precious perceptions about the measure, multilateralism issues, pandemic preparedness and activism.

Clara Alves is humanitarian affairs and advocacy specialist at Doctors without Borders (MSF) in Brazil and Sangeeta Shashikant is a legal and policy advisor for the Third World Network.

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