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We are living Big Pharma’s paradise

24 May 2022

Just like heaven 🎶 This is what Big Pharma’s paradise looks like

Virus spreading ferociously and mutating into more aggressive variants, requiring booster shot after booster shot? Wonderful! More jabs, higher stock prices and greater and greater profits.

The pandemic was great news for pharmaceutical corporation executives and shareholders. Global North governments soon learned to take advantage of it as well, and the political gains have been considerable.

The greater the emergency, the greater the profits, and profited they have in the face of a lethal virus that’s taken the lives of millions of people, wrecked economies and caused significant setbacks in human rights achievements.

As part of the industrial complex of rich countries, these companies were protected at the highest levels, all under the guise of international trade law in the rooms and hallways of their country club in Geneva, AKA the WTO.

This Wednesday, May 25th, the WTO will resume negotiations on the TRIPS waiver. The EU, UK, Switzerland and the US have been steadily safeguarding their home-based pharmaceutical companies to the detriment of the health and economy of entire countries.

#WTO #MC12 #TRIPSWaiver #EndCOVIDMonopolies #Fem4PeoplesVaccine