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The North went for the kill

26 May 2022

Sources familiar with the subject that have asked to not be identified suggest that a perilous path is being taken at the WTO regarding the TRIPS waiver text.

Switzerland, the UK, and also the US have joined the EU and highjacked the original proposal by India and South Africa and have completely transformed it to their own advantage.

A measure that was supposed to question intellectual property regarding Covid-19 health technologies has received more barriers to tech transfer and knowledge sharing.

The outcome? We will continue to live under a health emergency, but countries will endure it differently, some with varied resources, others with none.

This inequality is based on old colonial hierarchies between North and South, as the UN’s Committee to End Racial Discrimination (CERD) has stated.

To quote Winnie Byanyima, executive director of UNAIDS, “Racism is about police violence but is also about larger power structures. Refusing to share the rights to life-saving medicine with majority black and brown countries is racism. And do you know what Moderna’s CEO, Stéphane Bancel, answered without flicking? ‘Not a priority right now’”.

This is just OUTRAGEOUS!

#Fem4PeoplesVaccine #EndCOVIDMonopolies #WEF22 #WHA75 #WTO #MC12 #TRIPSWaiver