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Do you have a minute for Chomsky’s word? Let him tell you about the #WTO

27 May 2024

Do you have a minute for Chomsky’s word? Let him tell you about the #WTO

The decisions made there have a direct effect on how you live your life.

As we speak, WTO members are gathered to discuss the #TRIPSwaiver in the lead-up to the 12th Ministerial Conference.

In a battle of former colonial powers, we have on one side the EU, Switzerland, UK and the US, and on the other, India, South Africa & over 65 developing countries. The global North has the upper hand and is leveraging all its power so the other side forfeits.

The Frankensteinian proposal on the table (to get the reference, go back a few posts) is a complete departure from the South Africa+India’s original text (w669) and is actually very similar to a European Union proposal that is unworkable for global South countries