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Opening Migration Pathways Improves Access to Health Services

15 Mar 2024

Opening regular rights-based migration pathways should not just be a policy shift in response to a public health emergency. Regular rights-based migration pathways must be recognized as a principle to achieve fair and equal pandemic preparedness and recovery. From Portugal’s temporary regularization of irregular migrants to Colombia providing equal access to medical services for migrants and nationals alike, inclusionary migration reforms demonstrate the benefits of rights-based pathways. These policies must be done in parallel to the government waiving intellectual property rights on lifesaving supplies in times of health crisis. While high-level discussions take place to negotiate a #pandemictreaty at the World Health Organization, we must not lose sight of equity and grassroots issues. The #Fem4PeoplesVaccine and Women in Migration Network are working worldwide to advocate for universal public healthcare, better staffing, stronger health stockpiles, patent suspension in crises, and reshaping the global economy for health outcomes. Prioritizing people over profit is essential to a fair and equal pandemic response.