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The #Fem4PeoplesVaccine is participating at #CEDAW85 ✊⚡️

27 Sep 2023

🔍🕵️‍♀️ Unveiling secrets: the sizzling scoop on COVID-19 vaccine contracts! 💉🔐

The call for transparency and accountability of COVID-19 vaccine procurement contracts is widespread. Several reports indicate a pattern of the ways in which pharmaceutical companies exploited governments during a time of despair, with deleterious terms and conditions.

And Big Pharma doesn’t want us to see its dirty hands. They are determined not to reveal public contracts. Sneaky terms? Check! Mysterious conditions? You betcha!

🏛️ Mexican CSO PODER is leading the charge with a dossier on procurement deals, on who profited and other details. While the government refuses to open the contracts, the work of feminists and health activists in investigating and challenging Mexican government through litigation is criticall for democracy.