The Feminists for a People's Vaccine Campaign
The FPV campaign launched a weekly social media series called "Eyes on the vaccine gap"  which provides updates in vaccine access as a snapshot. Every Monday we will publish current figures from Our World in Data highlighting the continuing inequality in vaccine access.

Check it out and share!

Covid-19 infection, vaccination, and fertility

A study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology in January 2022 indicates that while there may be a short-term decline in fertility in males post-SARS-CoV-2 infection, Covid-19 vaccination with mRNA vaccines does not impact fertility in either partner.
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Racial disparities in maternal mortality during Covid-19

Six out of ten women who died during or after pregnancy from COVID-19 or related complications were from "Black or minority ethnic groups" highlighting  the uneven effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on maternal and perinatal outcomes -The Lancet editorial.
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A discourse change

In a stark shift in position, the WHO is supporting a wider administration of booster doses together with first and second doses for children, stating that supply is no longer an issue. WHO Director General Dr Tedros and other WHO leaders were absent during the announcement on January 20, as reported by the Health Policy Watch.

UNAIDS Executive Director
Winnie Byanyima challenged the newly promoted assumption that supply is no longer an issue, calling this a diversionary tactic to preserve Big Pharma's business model.  Countries need predictable supply, she said.

Stall in WHO pandemic response and finance reform 

The WHO pandemic response talks that would allow for the WHO to have rapid access to outbreak sites are being prolonged due to China's protest against the inclusion of such language.
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The US-China tension also reflects on the WHO financial reform, as the US is reluctant to come to an agreement on increasing member states' contribution as this might mean significant influence over the UN Body by China.
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Stuck in limbo? WTO Pandemic Response plans still unclear

India had requested for a convening to expedite a decision on the TRIPS Waiver.Some opponents from within the WTO Members have ruled this out. Recently, the EU, the US, India and South Africa ( in private talks) have been trying to reach a consensus by February-end.
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World Economic Forum

During her special address, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen echoed a misguided notion that the pandemic is on a course to end and attributed this success to "European values" of championing science, research, and investments.

At the stock exchange room

In 2022, Big Pharma will increase its revenue by 29%, reaching 84.9 billion dollars, according to an Airfinity study. Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna are expected to see the biggest increase in revenue due to an increase in prices and the roll-out of the variant targeting vaccine. 78% of doses have already been secured through contracted deals.

Health agencies contradict Pharma

The WHO and the European Medicines Agency both have declared that boosters every four months, as announced by Pfizer and Moderna, are not only unsustainable but also inappropriate. 


German Green Party does an 'about-turn' on waiving patents

On January 26, during the 2022 Annual Economic Report, German Vice-Chancellor and Federal Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Robert Habeck, declared that the newly-elected Green Party didn't believe waiving patents would be the solution to vaccine inequity - adding fuel to the debunked myths and arguments used by Big Pharma.

European Union and Pfizer: concealed relations

The European Commission hasn't been cooperative in a public information request to publicise alleged exchanges between EC President Ursula von der Leyen and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla after The New York Times revealed text messages exchanged between the two played a key role in a big vaccine purchase deal. Notably, the EU is a key actor in securing Big Pharma's interests and blocking the TRIPS waiver.

Hope for the global South could have a new face: Cuba

Cuba has produced three indigenously-produced vaccines that provide upwards of 90% protection. With one of the highest vaccination rates in the world (86% fully vaccinated), including children as young as two, Cuba's vaccines are cheap to produce and easy to store. Their vaccines represents hope for global South countries as Cuba offers  technology transfer to share its vaccine recipe.
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Brazil: A button away from compulsory licensing

The Brazilian civil society has finally tabled a comprehensive bill to reform its national patent law, allowing the state to waive IP barriers imposed on essential health products. In a Project Syndicate op-ed article, the authors- including Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz- argue that Brazil's law, if approved, could be an alternative to a blanket IPR waiver.


The latest Issue of TWN's magazine, Third World Resurgence, is available now!


COVID-19 Vaccines and Vaccination: Some Gender Perspectives - Gender & Covid-19 Project at the BRAC School of Public Health

Davos 2022 Round-Up - DataSyn


Using gender analysis matrixes to integrate a gender lens into infectious diseases outbreaks research - Health Policy and Planning Journal